MSP-Motivation Assessment Program First Year Report
MSP-MAP has accomplished virtually all of its Year 1 objectives during its first nine months of activity, and it will have completed them all during the remaining quarter. These include the following:
- Conducted extensive reviews of the literature relevant to motivation-related assessment tools
- Developed revised versions of several extant scales
- Created new instruments
- Established collaborative relationships with comprehensive and targeted MSPs and RETAs
- Developed a model Measures of Understanding (MOU) suitable for use in connection with other MSP-MAP RETA projects as well as other RETA projects
- Developed multi-scale customized protocols and administration procedures for MSPs
- Fielded a set of instruments for one large MSP (data set expected soon)
- Presented at one national conference and RETA workshop
- Established our local and national advisory groups
MSP-MAP has also expanded its scope to include the following:
- Teacher as well as student motivation-related assessment
- Extensive cognitive pretesting of instruments
- Item Response Theory (and Rasch) analyses
- A dissemination conference