Rising Above a Gathering Storm of Data: Triangulating Findings Through Formative and Summative Evaluation Methodologies
Author: Sonya Martin

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5. Conclusions

This study (Jacobs, Martin, & Otieno, 2008) has implications for continued research in the area of teacher content planning and subsequent instruction. By utilizing SLPAI to examine teacher participants' lessons plans, the programs' science education instructors are provided an opportunity to critically and explicitly discuss content planning in the content of the actual classrooms in which teacher participants are working. By explicitly engaging teachers in conversations around the SLPAI findings, teacher participants would be better supported to think about and plan for activities that may develop students' understanding of the nature of science or that in crease student discourse in science. This instrument may prove useful in helping teachers to identify areas in which they could improve and areas in which they already excel and can consciously choose to continually strengthen best practices. In addition, the SLPAI could be used as a professional development tool for program instructors as a means of evaluating their intended and enacted curriculum plans in the MSP courses. Conversations around data generated from the SLPAI and RTOP scores of faculty members with relation to program goals for teacher participants' development could strengthen course instruction and better align instructor classroom practices with program goals.

With these caveats in mind, the SLPAI in a unique and powerful tool for measuring practice over time, especially when used in concert with other measurement tools. The SLPAI is an example of such an instrument, which can be used for dual purposes: as a formative tool that informs program development and promotes effective instruction of the teacher-participants, and as a summative measure that allows evaluators to provide a richer, more complete picture of program effectiveness. As MSP and other teacher professional development programs expand as a result of nationwide efforts to improve teacher quality, especially in STEM fields, it is recommended that evaluation researchers continue to develop and implement methods that can be used to triangulate various qualitative and quantitative measures being utilized to learn from these large, diverse programs. In doing so, the education community stands to gain in terms of not only producing new knowledge related to science teaching and learning, but also improved evaluation methodologies.

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